Patch Notes

Patch Notes

Install Ibis Paint X App on PC for Free


Attention, Ibis Paint X enthusiasts! We are excited to bring you the latest patch for the version, packed with bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements. Check out the list of changes below:

  • Bug Fixes: We have addressed several issues reported by our dedicated community. Rest assured, common glitches and crashes have been resolved to provide a seamless drawing experience.
  • New Color Palette: Say hello to a fresh color palette with an expanded range of hues. Whether you're painting vibrant landscapes or delicate portraits, you'll find the perfect shades to bring your vision to life.
  • Customizable Interface: We understand that every artist has unique preferences. With the version, you can now customize the app's interface to suit your workflow. Arrange the toolbars, panels, and menus to create your ideal workspace.
  • Smoother Brush Strokes: Enjoy improved brush performance with smoother and more precise strokes. We have fine-tuned the brush engine to enhance the overall drawing experience, making it easier than ever to achieve the desired effects.