Minor Update

Minor Update

Install Ibis Paint X App on PC for Free


Exciting news for all Ibis Paint X users! We are delighted to share a sneak peek of the upcoming version, which promises to elevate your digital art to new heights. Get ready for a whole new set of features and enhancements. Here's a glimpse of what's to come:

  • Advanced Layer Blending Modes: Unlock a world of creative possibilities with a wide range of blending modes for your layers. From vivid overlays to subtle color adjustments, the version empowers you to experiment and achieve stunning effects.
  • Realistic Textures: Immerse yourself in the world of texture with our latest update. Version introduces a collection of realistic textures, including canvas, paper, and various materials. Add depth and character to your artwork with a simple touch.
  • Improved Selection Tools: Selecting and manipulating specific areas of your artwork is now easier and more precise. Version brings enhanced selection tools, including lasso, magic wand, and quick select, giving you full control over your creations.
  • Streamlined Export Options: Exporting your artwork has never been more convenient. With the version, you can choose from a variety of file formats and resolutions, ensuring your work looks stunning across different platforms and devices.

Prepare to be amazed by the upcoming Version of Ibis Paint X. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to take your digital art to the next level!